Are You Ready to Attend College While in High School?
What distinguishes Quinebaug Middle College (QMC) Magnet High School from most traditional high school settings is the highly-personalized support for student learning; shared commitment to fostering a climate of trust, respect, and dedication that is integral to its democratic learning community; and access to on-campus, early college experiences through CT State Community College Quinebaug Valley, formerly Quinebaug Valley Community College.
Students who have successfully completed the 8th grade will be considered for admission to QMC Magnet High School. In order to take full advantage of CTSC-QV courses and the personalized learning experience, it is essential that entering students be ready to join the QMC community with the energy, determination and independence to succeed in this unique setting. Prospective students must be ready to demonstrate commitment to their own success, a willingness to take risks in sharing their ideas and creative achievements, and the desire to support others in pursuit of their individual and shared goals.
For this reason, students undergo a four-step application process to ensure both the student and parent(s)/guardian(s) understand the Middle College concept and expectations.
The application process includes:
- Completion of application with required supporting documents;
- Tour and orientation to the QMC Magnet High School Program;
- Personal meeting with QMC Magnet High School staff and students; and,
- Selection for admission by lottery if necessary.
Students who meet requirements for entry but who are not selected by the lottery process will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which their names were drawn. These individuals will then be eligible for admission based on available space.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to be considered for Spring Semester Admission (which starts in January), completed applications must be submitted no later than the prior Thanksgiving.
QMC Application (English)
QMC Application (Spanish)
Quinebaug Middle College Magnet High School742 Upper Maple St.Danielson, CT 06239
Please contact Melissa Jacobs for more information