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Early Childhood Initiatives

EASTCONN works with parents, communities and schools to ensure that all children enter school ready to succeed.

Early Childhood Initiatives (ECI) offers an array of services to programs serving children age birth to grade 3, including systems development and programs to the region’s families, school districts and communities. Through these services, professional development, coaching and consultation are provided to early care and education programs and public schools in our region, including support for program development, accreditation and professional learning on standards, curriculum, assessment and implementation of instruction. ECI engages families in a two-generation approach through goal setting, parenting workshops and connecting them to adult education services and job training. We administer and provide direct services to children and their families in Tolland and Windham counties through our Birth to Three program and as the grantee for the federally funded Head Start and Early Head Start programs. Evidence-informed practices to increase outcomes for children are promoted. EASTCONN’s mission is to work together with parents, communities, and schools to ensure that all children are prepared for school success.

For more information, please contact:

Diane Gozemba
Diane GozembaEarly Childhood Initiatives
Jennifer Miles
Jennifer MilesAssistant Program Coordinator for Early Childhood
Kim Mansfield
Kim MansfieldEarly Head Start & Head Start
Rebecca Breen
Rebecca BreenDirector of Birth to


EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

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