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QMC Campus Life

QMC Gives Back To The Community


Students who participate in community service discover that their actions can make a difference. This helps students better understand their own competence, leading to increased self-confidence and a can-do attitude that can spread to their academic pursuits.

Watch the videos below for an introduction to community service at QMC.

Service Learning is a fundamental component of QMC’s curriculum that integrates classroom learning with real-world project planning and execution. Independently or in groups, students design projects to fulfill a community need at QMC, QVCC, in the town of Danielson or in other Connecticut towns. Service-learning options change each semester based on student and staff interest.


QMC service learning groups have included the following: Community Garden, Multicultural Awareness, Environmental Service Learning, Yoga Mindfulness and Meditation, Musical Theater, and Teen Outreach Program (TOPS). Through these groups, students get the opportunity to take field trips and participate in activities outside of the school.

Past service learning projects have included a bullying awareness campaign, organization of talent shows and coffee house performances, and trail clean up around the school.

Senior Capstones

The purpose of the Senior Capstone at QMC is to engage each student in a personalized learning experience that exemplifies the skills and knowledge they have acquired at QMC. The project allows students the opportunity to investigate a specialized area of interest, apply their understanding to a project and demonstrate the final product to their community.


Seniors have the assistance of a faculty advisor to guide them through the project process, and an adult mentor with specific knowledge of the area the student has chosen to explore.

Some examples of Senior Capstones:

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Teen Driving education

  • Homelessness awareness

  • Depression awareness

  • Homecoming

  • Reducing Waste/Recycling

  • Anti-Bullying Awareness

  • International Relations club

  • Mentoring Young Minds

  • Fire Safety

  • STD Awareness

  • Field Day

  • Sexual Assault Awareness

  • Domestic Violence Awareness

  • Red Cross Blood Drive


EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

© 2024 All rights reserved.

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EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

© 2024 All rights reserved.