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EASTCONN Student Food Services

EASTCONN’s Food Services department was created in 2012 to meet our external and internal customers' demand for exceptional food services. Backed by our experienced staff, EASTCONN is able to provide a successful National School Lunch Program, a School Breakfast Program and provide districts with the necessary support for their food service programs.

Looking for a career in Student Food Services? Join the EASTCONN Team! To learn more, visit our Careers site and search on keyword FOOD.


National School Lunch Program

In August of 2012, EASTCONN became an official sponsor of the National School Lunch Program. The majority of students in EASTCONN’s schools qualify for free or reduced lunch and EASTCONN’s Food Services was able to find a solution to the overwhelming need to provide healthy and delicious meals to the students in EASTCONN programs. With the implementation of this program, we can be sure that all of our students are provided with a healthy breakfast and lunch to maximize their learning potential.


Payment Information for Brooklyn Middle School, Pomfret Community School & Horace W. Porter School

Meal Prices:



  • Full Price $3.50
  • Reduced $0.00



  • Full Price $2.00
  • Reduced $0.00
  • Extra Milk or Milk Only $0.60


  • Cash - Send in cash with your student to be handed into the cafeteria. Include a note with your Student Name and School.
  • Online Payments using Linq TITAN Family Portal online - Choose EASTCONN as your district.
  • Check – Made out to EASTCONN Food Services. Please include student name and school on your check. Send in checks with your student to be handed directly to the cafeteria staff.


We encourage you to use the online electronic payment system for Breakfast, Lunch and Milk payments. This system allows you to check your balance and your student’s daily purchases. 

EASTCONN Food Services participates in the USDA meal program. If you feel your family qualifies to receive free or reduce-priced meals, please fill out an application and submit for processing. You can now fill out an application online at Please note: a new application is required for each school year. 

SNAP Assistance

New increased income guidelines went into effect as of October 1, 2022. If you qualify for SNAP assistance, your child automatically qualifies for free school meals. If your children qualify for free school meals or milk, you might also qualify for SNAP (formerly called Food Stamps). SNAP helps people buy food for themselves and their families. SNAP benefits are issued each month on plastic debit cards. You can use SNAP benefits to buy food at major supermarkets, neighborhood grocery stores, online at participating retailers, and some farmers’ markets authorized to accept SNAP. For more information, check out SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

Charging Policy and the Collection of Unpaid Meal Charges

The goal of the food service program is to provide students with nutritious and healthy foods, through the District's food services program, that will enhance learning. The school nutrition program is an essential part of the education system and by providing good-tasting, nutritious meals in pleasant surroundings; we are helping to teach students the value of good nutrition.


EASTCONN and its Executive Board have an agreement with the Connecticut State Department of Education to participate in one or more school Child Nutrition Programs and accepts full responsibility for adhering to the federal and state guidelines and regulations pertaining to these school Child Nutrition Programs. The Board also accepts full responsibility for providing free or reduced-price meals to eligible students enrolled in the District's schools and Districts under lnterschool Agreements.


Applicants for such meals are responsible to pay for meals until the application for the free or reduced-price meals is completed and approved. All applications for free and reduced priced lunch and any related information will be considered strictly confidential and not to be shared outside of the District's food services program without prior permission through Disclosure Release Request for Free or Reduced Eligibility Status of Student in the School Nutrition Programs.


Meals are planned to meet the specified nutrient standards outlined by the United States Department of Agriculture for children based on their age or grade group. Because EASTCONN participates in the Child Nutrition Programs, the Board approves the establishment of a system to allow a student to charge a meal. The Board realizes that funds from the non-profit school food service account, according to federal regulations, cannot be used to cover the cost of charged meals that have not been paid. Moreover, federal funds are intended to subsidize the meals of children and may not be used to subsidize meals for adults (teachers, staff and visitors). Adults are not allowed to charge meals (have a negative balance) and shall pay for such meals at the time of service or through pre-paid accounts or cash.


EASTCONN Food Services, in partnership with family and community, is committed to provide a quality meal experience, with high expectations, in a safe environment where all students are welcome. EASTCONN Food Services prohibits the public identification or shaming of a child/student for any unpaid charges, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Delaying or refusing to serve a meal to such student
  • Designating a specific meal option for such student or otherwise taking any disciplinary action against such student.


A student needing to charge a meal will be informed of his/her right to purchase a meal, which may exclude a la carte items, for any school breakfast, lunch or other feeding. In order to sustain the District's food services program, the District cannot permit the excessive charging of student meals. Therefore, any charging of meals must be consistent with this policy and any accompanying regulations. EASTCONN shall develop regulations designed to effectively and respectfully address family responsibility for unpaid meals. Any parent/guardian who anticipates a problem with paying for meals is encouraged to contact the Food Services Director and/or the applicable school Principal for assistance. EASTCONN encourages all families who may have a child eligible for free or reduced-price lunch to submit an application.


Students shall be allowed to charge the same reimbursable meal that other children are provided. Parents/Guardians of students who charge shall be notified by phone, mail, and/or email, after their child has charged the cost of 5 meals. If a pattern of charging continues, attempts will be made to 

discuss the issue with the parents/guardians and encourage them to complete a free and reduced meal application. Communications with parents/guardians regarding collection of a child's unpaid meal charges shall include information on local food pantries, applications for free or reduced-price meals and the Department of Social Services' supplemental nutrition assistance program, and a link to the District's website that lists any community services available to town/city residents. When a child's unpaid meal charges equal or exceed the cost of thirty (30) meals, such child's parent/guardian shall be referred to the District's homeless education liaison. For households that cannot afford to pay their school meal charges, the school district will work with them to establish a payment plan.


Households that are subsequently certified for free or reduced-price school meals at a point later in the school year shall not immediately be required to repay school meal debt accrued in that school year. The school district will submit retroactive claims for any meals charged to the household from the date of application to the date of certification, to the extent allowed by USDA guidance.


EASTCONN will accept gifts, donations, or grants from any public or private sources for the purpose of paying off any unpaid meal charges of students. EASTCONN, in partnership with family and community, is committed to provide a quality education, with high expectations, in a safe environment where all students become independent learners and productive contributors to society.


Legal Reference: Connecticut General Statutes 10-215 Lunches, breakfasts and other feeding programs for public school children and employees. (as amended by PA 21-46) 10-215a Nonpublic school and nonprofit agency participation in feeding programs. 10-215b Duties of State Board of Education re feeding programs. State Board of Education Regulations State of Connecticut, Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education Operational Memorandum No. 4-17, "Guidance on Unpaid Meal Charges and Collection of Delinquent Meal Payments," Nov. 2, 2016 Operational Memorandum #19-10, State of Connecticut, Bureau of Health/Nutrition, Family Services and Adult Education "Unallowable Charges to No-profit School Food Service Accounts and the Serving of Meals to No-paying Full and Reduced Price Students" National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program; Competitive Foods. (7 CFR Parts 210 and 220, Federal Register, Vol 45 No. 20, Tuesday, January 29, 1980, pp 6758-6772


USDA Guidance:

  • SP 46-2016, "Unpaid Meal Charges: Local Meal Charge Policies"
  • SP 47-2016, "Unpaid Meal Charges: Clarification on Collection of Delinquent Meal Payment"
  • SP 57-2016 "Unpaid Meal Charges: Guidance and Q and A"
  • SP 58-2016 "2016 Edition: Overcoming the Unpaid Meal Challenge: Proven Strategies from Our Nation's Schools"


EASTCONN is a public, non-profit, Regional Educational Service Center, which has been serving the education needs of northeastern Connecticut schools and communities since 1980.

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